Huawei has finally launched its new P series flagship device – P9 in India. Huawei P9, which was first announced in China in April, is the first in the world to feature Leica branded dual rear cameras. Huawei P9 is a technological showcase for the Chinese telecom giant. With P9, Huawei will compete against the popular Galaxy S7 range from Samsung and Apple’s dependable iPhone 6s and 6s Plus range.
As far as specifications are concerned, Huawei P9 comes with mid-range hardware because the showstopper here is the Leica branded camera. Huawei P9 features a 5.2-inch display with a resolution of 1920×1090 pixels. Huawei has used an IPS panel here to make way for better viewing angles compared to a standard LCD display. The phone comes with 3GB RAM and 32GB of storage, and is powered by an Octa-core HiSilicon Kirin 955 chipset. The phone runs Huawei’s Emotion UI over the familiar Android 6.0 Marshmallow. Huawei P9 supports the latest in LTE bands, along with Bluetooth 4.1 with low energy mode.
Huawei P9 is one of the latest smartphone to feature dual rear camera setup. While HTC introduced the concept to market long back and LG’s recent flagship had a similar setup, Huawei has gone a step ahead to bring in renowned German optics manufacturer Leica, which has designed and engineered the rear camera. Huawei P9 also supports HDR mode, timelapse and slow motion video recording. While it does have few camera tricks up its sleeve, the device lacks Optical Image Stabilisation and 4K video recording capabilities.
Huawei P9 sports a dual 12MP rear camera array with two individual sensors for reproducing colour and monochrome. The smartphone captures regular images in auto mode and turns every subject around to black and white when shot in monochrome mode.
Huawei, which is currently the no.1 smartphone brand in China and no.3 smartphone brand globally, plans to expand its reach here by establishing over 50,000 experience zones. Huawei P9 will be available in Grey, Silver and Gold colour variants. Huawei is offering two years warranty and three months display replacement option with P9. The company is also offering pick and drop service for P9 customers. Huawei P9 is priced at Rs 39,999 which seems ok but the competition is fierce and lots of option coming in Indian market cheaper and better than P9. Lets see how it performs in sales with specialty being camera only.